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    Harding University
  Sep 28, 2024
2016-2017 Academic Catalog 
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2016-2017 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Master of Divinity

Purpose: The M.Div. is the degree of choice for those entering preaching ministry. It lays a solid foundation for a lifetime of ministry practice through a focus on spiritual growth, research tools and methodology, and practical concepts and skills..

Emphasis: This degree provides opportunities and encouragement for personal spiritual growth, an understanding of Scripture and theology, an introduction to historical and cultural contexts of churches, and both understanding of and supervised experience in major aspects of ministry. The M.Div. is also the basic degree required by most schools of religion and seminaries for admission to Ph.D. or Th.D. programs.

Intended Degree Outcomes:  M.Div. graduates will:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the basic content of the English Bible.
  • Demonstrate advanced exegetical skills in the interpretation of scripture.
  • Exhibit an understanding of the primary elements of Christian theology. 
  • Exhibit an understanding of the general history of the church and of doctrine, including the Stone-Campbell Movement in particular.   
  • Be able to integrate the scriptures and theological tradition with diverse contemporary cultural contexts. 
  • Evidence a love for God and others and a personal commitment to spiritual formation
  • Be able to communicate effectively in written, oral, and multi-media forms.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and competencies associated with providing ministerial leadership for churches and communities.


Time Frame: The degree requires a minimum of three academic years of full-time work or its equivalent.

Residency: At least 30 hours must be taken on the Harding School of Theology campus.


Undergraduate GPA: A student whose undergraduate grade point average is between 2.25 and 2.50 may be admitted on probation for the M.Div. program. Probation will be removed upon successfully completing 18 semester hours of graduate courses with a grade average of 2.50.

Undergraduate Prerequisites: Twelve semester hours of undergraduate Bible or related courses are required as prerequisites for the M.Div. degree. Students who have not fulfilled these requirements may satisfy them by taking BOLD 5000  and BNEW 5200  as electives.

Advanced Standing: Harding School of Theology may grant up to 18 hours of advanced standing by examination from the faculty over undergraduate coursework: 6 hours for Greek, 6 hours for Hebrew, and up to 6 hours from either electives or BOLD 5001 Advanced Introduction to the Old Testament  (3 hours) and/or BNEW 5201 Advanced Introduction to the New Testament  (3 hours).

Transfer Credit: Subject to approval of the Admissions Committee, a maximum of 42 hours of comparable work may be transferred from another institution. As many as half the hours from a master’s degree (that is, up to 27 hours from our M.A. or M.A.C.M. degrees) may be applied toward the M.Div.

Language Requirements: One year of Greek and one year of Hebrew at the undergraduate level with a grade of C or better are required, or the student may take one year of Greek and/or Hebrew as part of the degree. One graduate-level reading course of three semester hours is also required.

Testing: Psychological, career and other types of testing are sometimes used for guidance purposes.

Program: 78 Hours (Core: 66 hours; Electives: 12 hours)

See the Course Descriptions  for core requirements and exceptions.

I. Nondepartmental: (3 hours)

II. Biblical Division: (30 hours)

III. Theological Division: (15 hours)

Recommended sequence: Take 5601  and 5602  before taking 5400  or 5450 .

IV. Ministerial Division (18 hours)

Field Education - Choose one:

Students with substantial ministry experience and permission of the director of field education may substitute BMIN 5873 , BMIN 5877 , BMIN 5883 , BMIS 5911  or HOML 5830 . Practicum substitution does not satisfy any other degree requirements or electives.

  • BMIN 5720 - Practicum I Credit Hours: 3
  • Apprenticeship in Ministry, BMIN 5701 , BMIN 5702 , BMIN 5703 , 1 credit hour each, spread over three consecutive semesters, totaling 3 credit hours. Apprenticeships must be approved by the director of field education and completed in one calendar year.

Preaching - Choose one:

Missions - Choose one:


1 Students with substantial ministry experience and permission of the director of field education may substitute BMIN 5873 , BMIN 5875 , BMIN 5883 , BMIS 5901 , BMIS 5911  or HOML 5830 .

2 Students with substantial ministry experience or undergraduate equivalent coursework and permsision of director of field education may substitute BMIN 5873 , BMIN 5877 , BMIN 5883 , BMIS 5901 , BMIS 5911  or HOML 5830 .

3 May be taken only by special application and approval of director of field education. Must follow directly after the completion of the initial apprenticeship sequence (BMIN 5701 , BMIN 5702 , BMIN 5703 ) and be completed in one calendar year.

4 May be taken only by special application and approval of director of field education.

V. Electives (12 hours)

One textual course, one ministry course, and two general electives. Students may also choose an “honors” track consisting of (1) a thesis and two electives, or (2) a guided research paper and three electives.

Additional Requirements

Level of Scholarship: An average scholarship level of 2.50 is required for the M.Div. Courses in which a grade of C has been received may be repeated, and only the second grade will count. Courses in which a grade of B has been received may not be repeated. Courses in which a grade of D or F is made will not be counted toward the degree but will be used in figuring the GPA unless repeated. No course may be repeated more than once without permission of the professor.

Thesis: A thesis is optional. If the student elects to write a thesis, he/she will be given six hours of credit for it upon completion. Procedures and requirements for theses are stated in the Student Handbook.

Chaplaincy Candidates: Students who intend to enter ministry as a chaplain should consult with counseling faculty about practicum and CPE requirements.

Degree Candidacy: The student should apply for candidacy to the degree during the first week of November of the academic year in which he/she hopes to graduate by filling out a Request for Degree form and returning it to the associate dean’s office. The student is responsible for notifying the associate dean if, after applying, he or she is unable to complete graduation requirements.

English Bible Exam: All students in all master’s degree plans, except the M.A. in Counseling program, must pass a comprehensive English Bible exam within their first nine hours. Students who fail must take the corresponding survey(s), BOLD 5000  and/or BNEW 5200 .

Probation: After completion of 12 semester hours and thereafter, students with grades below a 2.50 average will be placed on academic probation. To remove probation, a student must achieve a 2.50 overall average during the next 18 hours of study.

Statute of Limitation: All degree requirements must be completed within a 10-year period from time of entry into the program. No credit more than 10 years old may be counted toward degree requirements unless the student has relevant hours from a previous graduate degree. Such hours may be counted toward the M.Div. without observing the 10-year limit. If one goes beyond the 10-year time limit, one may obtain a time extension of one year for each additional three-hour course successfully completed in the area of area of study with approval of his or her adviser.