NURS 462 - Nursing Capstone Experience A synthesis course exploring application of critical-thinking skills, communication skills, change theory, and professional role development. Professional behavior analysis, credentialing, and research critiquing are refined. Through the process of portfolio development, learners review and analyze personal learning outcomes of the nursing program. Two lecture hours per week and 40 field experience hours to be arranged. Note: Two credit hours are required of Advanced Placement Track students and 3 credit hours are required of Traditional Track Students. This course is eligible for honors credit.
Prerequisite(s): Prerequisite: NURS 412 , Level II standing. Taken the semester of graduation.
Credit Hours: 3
Term Offered: Fall, Spring
Fee(s): Fee: $541
NOTE: Nursing malpractice liability insurance, student professional membership costs, standardized tests, selected clinical expenses, and most laboratory supplies are included in course fees.
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