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    Harding University
  Sep 28, 2024
2015-2016 Academic Catalog 
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2015-2016 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Student Information



Daily chapel service is one of the most important periods of the day. A majority of the reflections and readings in chapel are shaped by the theme for the year. Both students and faculty assist in planning programs that help to create a community of faith and service. The quiet reverence of devotional periods and thoughtful consideration of vital questions in human living provide memorable worship experiences that are cherished throughout the student’s life. These services are held in the beautiful Pittman Chapel, named in honor of a beloved preacher, Sam Pittman, and in memory of his lifetime of distinguished service to the church and to Christian education.

The chapel seats approximately 100 people. In addition to its use for chapel services, forums and lectures by the school, it provides a setting for many weddings.

W.B. West Jr. Lectures

Through the initiative of the 1976-77 Student Association, students, alumni and friends began an endowment for the W.B. West Jr. Lectures for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship in honor of Dr. W.B. West Jr., our founding dean. West served the school as dean from 1958 until 1972 and as professor of New Testament until his retirement in 1978.

These lectures bring outstanding Christian scholars to the campus to speak on subjects of current interest in the church. 


Student Association

Since its formation in 1967, the Student Association (SA) has become an essential means of fostering unity and fellowship among the student body. The Association has close ties with the administration, nominating members for standing committees of the School and making recommendations concerning policy. In addition to planning chapel devotionals and initiating various student activities, the SA sponsors the annual W.B. West Jr. Lectures for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship each fall and the academic awards at graduation. These awards include: the Jack P. Lewis Ministry of Study Award, the Hebrew Award, and the Velma R. West Greek Award. The SA publishes an online student newsletter and coordinates informal athletic activities throughout the year. The SA also hosts banquets, devotionals, picnics and campus movies.

Harding School of Theology grants a 50 percent tuition scholarship to the SA president during the year of service; 30 percent to the vice president; 25 percent to the secretary/treasurer; 20 percent to the communications director; and 10 percent to each student representative. (In no case would a student scholarship exceed 100 percent of tuition.) The SA is provided office space in the Ijams Administration Building.

The SA exists to serve. The annual slate of officers is published in the school newsletter.

Alumni Association

The Alumni Association works for the welfare of the School in various ways, such as fund raising. The organization consists of a president, three vice presidents and an executive secretary. Officers are elected biennially.

Code of Conduct

The privilege of participating in the Harding School of Theology community involves corresponding responsibilities. These include recognizing the authority of the administration and faculty of Harding School of Theology and the Board of Trustees of Harding University over all procedures, policies and guidelines in governing the school.

Students, faculty and staff are expected to meet certain standards of integrity, fostering a self-disciplined, supportive community. Each may expect from the other:

  • absolute honesty in all relationships, responsibilities and tasks
  • Integrity and good stewardship in all financial obligations and dealings
  • conscientious concern for each other in matters of personal habits, attitudes and actions
  • demonstration of a spirit that recognizes the Lordship of Christ and expresses the biblical concept of love for God and man
  • a caring attitude toward the natural beauty of the world and its resources
  • an appreciation of the beautiful campus of Harding School of Theology and a custodial concern for maintaining both its natural and physical facilities


Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes for which they are enrolled except in cases of illness or other valid reasons (professor should be notified).

Dismissal Policies

Evidence of conspicuous or persistent failures in moral responsibility will lead to disciplinary action that may result in suspension or dismissal from the School.

Immediate Dismissal: The following activities may subject the student to immediate dismissal from the School:

  • use or possession of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal use or possession of narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens or solvents
  • sexual immorality
  • lying, especially to an administrator or the Student Affairs Committee in a disciplinary or appeals situation

Possible Dismissal: A student may be subject to dismissal for any of the following:

  • gambling
  • abuse of property
  • possession and/or use of pornography
  • dishonesty (including falsification on tests or assignments, plagiarism, forgery, theft, etc.)
  • persistent failure to comply with administrative requests

Appeal: Should a student wish to appeal disciplinary action by the School, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Make appeal to Dr. Steve McLeod, Associate Dean, 1000 Cherry Road, Memphis, TN 38117; phone 901-761-1353.
  2. Appeal to the Student Affairs Committee in conjunction with the dean, 1000 Cherry Road, Memphis, TN 38117; phone 901-761-1352.

If a complaint is not settled at the institutional level, the student may contact the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, 404 James Robertson Parkway, Nashville, TN 37243-0830; phone 615-741-5293.

Readmission: A student dismissed from the School may, after one full semester, apply for readmission by making written request of the associate dean, who will consider the request with the Student Affairs Committee.

Financial Policies

Financial Responsibilities

Students are expected to make satisfactory arrangements to meet all financial obligations to Harding School of Theology, including library fines and bookstore accounts, before the last week of each semester. Before students can enroll for another semester, prior financial obligations must be fulfilled. Information on a student’s financial standing can be obtained through the Business Office. No diploma, transcript or letter of recommendation shall be granted, nor action taken in regard to placement, until these arrangements have been completed. Students will be graduated only after their financial obligations to the School have been paid.

Tuition and Fees

At time of registration, all tuition and all fees must be paid unless other arrangements have been made with the Business Office. The balance of the account may be paid in installments as arranged with the Business Office. A monthly per annum interest charge will be assessed on all past due balances. The current percentage is 5.5 percent. All accounts must be paid in full or arrangements made with the Business Office before students will be allowed to take final examinations. Registration for subsequent semesters will not be allowed until balances are paid in full.

Failure to meet financial obligations to the University may result in the delinquent account being placed with a collection agency. Students are responsible for all attorney fees and other collection costs incurred by the University in collecting accounts. Term charges are not reduced for late enrollment. There will be a $25 service charge on all dishonored checks.


  Application for Admission: $40.00
  Tuition (per semester hour): 692.00
  Technology/Academic Enrichment Fee (per semester hour): 24.00
  Student Activity Fee: 17.00


  Graduation Fee: 125.00
  Graduation in absentia charges: 40.00
  Binding of Guided Research (two copies for the library): 40.00
  Binding of Thesis/Dissertation:

  One bound copy (for the library): 18.00
  One microfiche copy (for the library): 25.00
  Binding additional copies (each copy): 18.00

Doctor of Ministry Program (Tuition as listed above):

  Application Fee: 40.00
  Supervision Fee (to be paid after 15 hours of work): 625.00

Audit Fee:

  Regular: 100.00 (per semester hour)
  Church/Spouse Audit: 25.00 (per course)
  Full-time Student: 25.00 (one course per semester)
  M.Div. graduate, D.Min. candidate or graduate: 125.00 (per course)

Incidental Fees:

  Transcripts (1-9 copies): free; 10 or more ordered at the same time, $1 each.


  Waiver of course by examination (each course): 25.00
  Examination taken out of schedule: 10.00
  Profiles of Ministry Instrument Fee: 50.00

5990 Advanced Theological Research Lab Fee: 30.00
Post Office Box Rental (annually): 35.00


Tuition Refunds

All refunds will be governed by the date withdrawal notices are received by the associate dean. Therefore, notification should be made immediately in writing to the associate dean if one is withdrawing from a course; emails are acceptable. Once a student is enrolled in a course, he/she is responsible for payment unless such notification is made. Absence from class sessions or merely informing the professor is NOT proper indication that one has dropped the course. A student changing from credit to audit is also governed by these policies.

Semester-length Courses: Students who withdraw from any class after a formal registration will be granted refunds according to the following schedule (general and special fees are nonrefundable). If withdrawal occurs:

Within first week 90 percent refund of tuition
Within second week 80 percent refund of tuition
Within third week 60 percent refund of tuition
Within fourth week 40 percent refund of tuition
Within fifth week 20 percent refund of tuition
After fifth week No refund of tuition

One-week Intensive Courses: One-week intensive courses will be governed by the same refund policy as that of semester-length courses. The beginning date for refunds will be eight weeks before the first class meeting (week eight, 90 percent refund; week seven, 80 percent refund; etc.).

Monthly Courses (three weekend sessions in a semester): If withdrawal occurs:

After the first session of class meetings 50 percent refund of tuition
After the second session of class meetings 20 percent refund of tuition
After the start of the third session of class meetings No refund

Refunds for classes dropped in other innovative schedules will be considered on an individual basis.

Textbook Services: Harding School of Theology stocks and sells all required textbooks. All sales are final, but you may return any books that have not been written in for any course that is cancelled.

Financial Aid

General Policies

Application: The process for receiving financial aid is as follows:

  1. Make application and be accepted for admission to Harding School of Theology. You may apply for scholarship assistance when you apply for admission.
  2. To apply for federal aid, first-time borrowers should request a PIN number at With your new pin, complete the FAFSA at Be sure to include the six-digit Harding University code, 001097. First-time borrowers must complete an entrance counseling form. This can be done online at Click on admissions, financial services, counseling and entrance counseling. Complete this form for Stafford Loan counseling.

Feel free to correspond with us regarding your financial needs. Financial aid is available to most Harding students in the form of federal and private loans, graduate assistantships, veterans programs, and vocational rehabilitation. These funds are administered wholly or in part by the Office of Student Financial Services at Harding University in Searcy, Ark.

Requests for information and assistance should be directed to Harding School of Theology, 1000 Cherry Road, Memphis, TN 38117; telephone: 901-432- 7735 or Harding University, Box 12282, Searcy, AR 72149-2282; telephone: 501-279-4257 or 800-477-3243 (toll free); e-mail:

Financial aid awards are based on current federal and state regulations. Students have the right to accept or decline any aid offered.

Return of Title IV Funds (Federal Aid): Students who receive Title IV federal loans or other federal aid and withdraw, drop out or are dismissed are subject to a calculation to determine the amount of federal aid “earned” and “unearned” for the semester. The earned aid is calculated by comparing the number of days completed against total days in the semester (including weekends). For example, if a student completed 29 days of a regular 116-day semester, the student will be determined to have earned 25 percent of total aid eligibility. Once the student has completed at least 60 percent of the semester, all aid is considered earned.

If total federal aid disbursements are less than the amount earned by the student, the student will be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement. Borrowers eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement will be notified of their eligibility within 45 days after beginning the withdrawal process and must respond to the aid offer within 14 days.

If total federal aid disbursements are greater than the amount earned by the student, the student will owe a balance to the University and/or federal government. Unearned funds must be returned within 30 days in the following order: Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan, Subsidized Federal Stafford Loan, then other Title IV aid programs. Please refer to the Tuition Refunds section of this catalog for detailed withdrawal procedures. Students who stop attending classes without withdrawing, as well as students who receive all failing grades, will be considered unofficially withdrawn for financial aid purposes. The withdrawal date for all unofficial withdrawals will be determined by the associate dean’s office according to the last academic activity completed.

Financial Aid Probation and Suspension: Students who receive Title IV financial aid must make satisfactory progress toward a degree by maintaining a minimum 3.00 grade point average or the minimum GPA required by the academic program.

In addition, students attempting full-time enrollment must successfully complete at least nine hours each semester. Students attempting fewer than nine semester hours must successfully complete all hours attempted. All students must complete all course work within the allowable time frame permitted. For financial aid purposes, enrollment progress and GPA monitoring occur only at the end of the fall and spring semesters. Failure to maintain the required GPA or successfully complete degree work as specified will result in financial aid probation. Probation is removed at the end of the semester in which the student has satisfied the GPA and enrollment criteria. Failure to remove financial aid probation status the following semester results in financial aid suspension.

Students on financial aid suspension are not eligible to receive Title IV financial aid. Financial aid suspension status caused by circumstances outside of the student’s control may be appealed in writing to the academic dean of the school. Appeals must be received at least 60 days prior to the term for which the student is appealing. Students approved by appeal will automatically be placed back in financial aid probation status for the first semester of renewed aid eligibility.


Establishing Scholarships: Studies have shown that for every student in graduate school another student with equal ability finds it financially impossible to obtain a graduate education. To invest in these students is a worthwhile work. Harding School of Theology invites supporters to establish scholarships through gifts and legacies or to contribute to scholarships already established.

Application for Scholarships: Scholarships are provided by individuals and congregations interested in assisting those who wish to prepare themselves for Christian service. Applications may be obtained from the school web site, Scholarships are normally awarded on the basis of academic record, need for financial assistance, and promise for usefulness in Christian service. Full-time students will be awarded more scholarship funding than part-time students. Scholarships are available to degree-seeking students only.

Scholarships are awarded annually only; therefore, students desiring such assistance must reapply each school year. Applications for the school year beginning in August should be made by March 1. Applications received after that date will be considered only as funds may be available.

Restrictions: Scholarship assistance will not be applied to charges for fees or for auditing courses. Government grants are not available to the graduate student.

Scholarships Available: A variety of resources provide funds for Harding School of Theology scholarships; for a list of scholarship endowments click here.


Harding School of Theology hopes that its students will be engaged in Christian ministry. Instruction and experience go together, each sharpening the other. Graduate students commonly serve as worship leaders, associate ministers, directors of educational programs, campus ministers, youth ministers, preachers, hospital chaplains, Bible School teachers in local churches, and apprentices in inner-city ministry. This service is helpful in their training program and beneficial to those they serve.

Many other work opportunities are available that are not directly church related. Both part time and full-time work are available for church-related or other types of employment. The School can assist the student interested in pursuing such arrangements. Naturally, each student must adjust his or her academic load according to outside work demands. We recommend that anyone working 20 hours per week enroll in no more than nine hours.

Veterans Benefits

Harding School of Theology has been approved for benefits toward the school expenses of veterans. Eligible students should contact the Veterans Administration in their home state for information on educational benefits for veterans and their dependents.

A Certificate of Eligibility from the Veterans Administration must be submitted to HST when the student registers. The school will then certify the student’s enrollment with the Veterans Administration Regional Processing Office in Atlanta. Online courses are approved for veterans benefits, but extension courses are not.

Vocational Rehabilitation

Students who are permanently disabled may receive, at no cost to themselves, vocational counseling and financial assistance toward the cost of their college training provided the vocational objective of the disabled person is approved by a rehabilitation counselor. The student should apply directly to the vocational rehabilitation counseling service of the Department of Education in his/her own state and should at the same time notify the Business Office at HST if any assistance is necessary.

Housing Information

Facilities Available

Harding School of Theology has housing available on campus for both single and married students. Campus residents must take at least six hours in the fall and spring semesters and three hours in the summer. Requests for exceptions to this policy are to be made to the housing supervisor before the semester begins.

James A. Harding-G.C. Brewer Apartments: These apartments provide space for both married and single students. The six two-bedroom apartments are reserved for families with children, while the 12 one-bedroom apartments are for couples without children and single students.

Benson Apartments: These five town houses were constructed in 1997 in honor of the late Dr. George S. and Marguerite O. Benson. These apartments will house 8-12 single students and 2-3 married couples.

Rent and Fees

Reserving Apartments: Requests for all campus housing should be made to the housing supervisor. Requests for housing must include the housing reservation fee. Housing is assigned by priority determined by the date the reservation fee is received. The housing reservation fee will be applied to housing charges at the beginning of the semester. This fee cannot be applied to any other student expenses or fees. The housing reservation fee is refundable only if no housing is available at the beginning of the semester or if a letter is sent requesting a refund at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester.

Security Deposit: $150.00

(Housing regulations are in rental agreement.)

Rent for students living on campus: Semester rent is added to tuition account.

Payments are due according to the tuition and fees schedule.

Housing Charges:

Housing reservation fee: $80.00
Harding-Brewer Apartment rent - one-week session (per person): $105.00
Apartment for one night (per person): $50.00

Harding-Brewer Apartments (rent includes utilities and wireless internet):

Single students (per month): $280 (dual occupancy rate)

Two single students per one-bedroom apartment.
Single occupancy rate: $545 (by request and subject to availability)
Apartments for single students are furnished.

Married students (unfurnished):

One bedroom (per month): 545.00
Two bedroom (per month): 620.00

Benson Apartments (rent includes utilities and wireless internet):

Single students (per month): $280

Two single students per one-bedroom apartment.

(up to four single students per two-bedroom apartment)

Apartments for single students are furnished.

Married students (unfurnished): $760  

Housing charges may be paid monthly by the 15th without a finance charge. Rent paid after the 15th or with tuition still due will receive a monthly finance charge.

Terminating Residency

When a student completes his/her studies, does not enroll for classes for the next semester, or decides to enroll in fewer than the minimum number of hours required to fulfill the housing contract, the student must move out of campus housing by the Friday following the end of the semester. Any request for exception to this policy must be made in writing to the housing supervisor 30 days prior to the end of the semester.

Students wishing to terminate residency in campus housing must give 30-days notice in writing to the Business Office and housing supervisor, who will request the deposit refund. Refund of security deposit or advance rent payments will be made ONLY after the premises have been vacated and checked by a school official, and keys have been returned. Occupying an apartment for any part of a month will be considered a full month of occupancy.

Students are liable for loss and/or damage beyond normal usage. The security deposit will be held as a retainer against damages. The security deposit fee is refundable at the end of the semester when all requirements for a degree are met, if all financial obligations to the School have been fulfilled, and the housing has been vacated in accordance with regulations set forth under Terminating Residency. After the tenant moves out, all, part or none of the security deposit may be returned following an inspection of the apartment. (This refund is mailed from the Business Office in Searcy, Ark.)


  1. Furniture supplied by Harding School of Theology in any apartment is to remain in that apartment.
  2. No student may move to another apartment without written approval from the housing supervisor.
  3. No storage space is available on campus.