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  Jun 01, 2024
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog 
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2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Ethical Standards

Code of Conduct

Harding expects its students to conduct themselves as responsible citizens in a Christian community.

Enrollment at the University is viewed as a privilege that brings the attendant responsibilities and accountability. In order to encourage Christian living and growth, the University administers a student Code of Conduct. This code is provided to every student upon enrollment.

Upon registration to the University, students acknowledge and agree to abide by this code. Harding University reserves the right to refuse admission or dismiss students whose lifestyle is not consistent with the Christian principles for which Harding stands; and when the general welfare of the institution requires such action. Students suspended for disciplinary reasons during a semester may receive a grade of “F” in all courses for that semester.

Contents of the Student Handbook may be summarized briefly as follows:

  1. Students are encouraged to develop a servant-leadership ministry lifestyle that integrates faith, learning and living.
  2. Students are expected to pursue honesty and integrity, avoiding all forms of dishonesty.
  3. To encourage spiritual growth, students are required to attend Bible classes and chapel. Students are encouraged and expected to attend Bible class and worship at local congregations.
  4. Personal wellness is stressed, and students must abstain completely from illegal drugs, alcohol and tobacco in any form.
  5. Social wellness is stressed, and students must exclude all forms of sexual immorality, pornography and profanity.
  6. Students are expected to dress modestly at all times.
  7. Students are expected to abide by a positive residence hall code designed to encourage Christian living.
  8. Sportsmanship and fair play are expected.
  9. Students are encouraged to participate in social clubs, service clubs and other school organizations which provide opportunity to reflect the mission of the University in a social context.
  10. Students are expected to serve others, as this is the true test of success for any person or organization.

Because the University believes that a knowledge of the Bible and an appreciation of its teachings constitute the foundation for building happy and useful lives, students are required each semester to enroll in a Bible course or in an approved course in a related field.

One of the most important periods of the day is the chapel service, which draws faculty and students together in a common worship experience. The quiet devotional period is followed by programs designed to facilitate the mission of the institution. Students are required to attend daily. Policies concerning chapel attendance are set forth in the Student Handbook.

Code of Conduct  Code of Conduct Disciplinary Procedures 

Academic Integrity Policy

I. Our Integrity Covenant

We, the members of the Harding community, recognize that our covenant of integrity is with three parties.

First and foremost, students and faculty recognize their covenant with God. All morality is ultimately defined by the very nature of God, in whom all truth can be found. Desiring to reflect the heart and nature of Christ, we make a covenant with our God to be truthful and transparent.

Second, we acknowledge that we have a covenant with each other. By doing our own work, working hard, and receiving credit and recognition that represent effort and sacrifice, we create and maintain an atmosphere of excellence and fairness. As members, therefore, of this Christian community we covenant with each other to guard and protect our commonly held trust.

Third, integrity is a covenant that we make with ourselves. Our goal of being servants deserves our every effort to dedicate ourselves fully to those disciplines of study and research that will contribute to the formation of our character and our academic skills. Academic rewards obtained without personal and authentic effort rob us of both the spiritual and professional preparation that God desires.

Our academic integrity originates in the very nature of God, manifests itself in our commonly held and protected reputation, and reveals its value in the prepared Christ-like servanthood that results from a disciplined life.

II. Our Integrity Principle

Honesty: Using only authorized collaboration, information and study aids for assignments and testing. Being completely truthful in all academic endeavors.

Authenticity: Presenting only ideas and creative expressions that are unique, unless properly cited according to University guidelines. Submitting the work of another constitutes plagiarism.

Accountability: Holding ourselves to the highest ethical standards, and not allowing academic dishonesty in others to go unchallenged.

III. Our Integrity Pledge

I hereby pledge to God, to the Harding University academic community, and to myself that I will uphold godly standards of honesty, authenticity and accountability in all my undertakings.

IV. Violations of Academic Integrity

Violations of academic integrity, also called academic misconduct, include, but are not limited to, the following offenses:

  1. Cheating: Use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information or study aids in any academic exercise. Such infractions include, but are not limited to, the following:
    1. Using materials not authorized by the teacher, such as hidden notes, tape recorders, cell phones, cameras, text messages, wands, computers, or other electronic devices, for the completion of a quiz or test.
    2. Copying from another student during a quiz or test
    3. Copying another student’s assignment or project.
    4. Obtaining answers to online quizzes and tests.
  2. Plagiarism: Representing the words, ideas or data of another as one’s own in any academic exercise. Plagiarism is a type of stealing, whether done deliberately or by mistake. Such violations include, but are not limited to, the following:
    1. Purchasing a paper from an electronic source or other entity.
    2. Downloading a partial paper or an entire paper from the Internet and submitting it as one’s own or allowing someone else (including tutors) to write, or significantly rewrite, a paper and then submitting it as one’s own.
    3. Using ideas, paraphrases, and/or direct quotes from a source without clear documentation of that source.
    4. Recycling a paper from a concurrent class or a class that was previously taken in high school or college without the permission of the instructor to do so.
    5. Copying verbatim from a source without using quotation marks, even if the source has been cited.
    6. Copying, in part or in whole, from a print source, media broadcast or recording, or the Internet or other electronic media without proper acknowledgement of the source.
    7. Copying another person’s sentence style and structure, key words, organizational plan, or unique words or ideas without proper documentation.
  3. Fabrication: Falsification or unauthorized invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise. Such misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:
    1. Taking a course, test or quiz for another student.
    2. Fabricating source information within an assigned paper and/or on the works cited page.
    3. Fabricating lab or research information.
    4. Submitting collaborative and/or group work as one’s own, unless the instructor has given permission for students to do so.
    5. Completing another student’s class assignment for the student.
    6. Collaborating on out-of-class assignments with students, professors, family members and/or friends when the instructor intended for students to work independently.
    7. Claiming to have attended an assigned function, such as a service activity, a performance, a job interview, a home visit, a symposium, an observation, or a lecture without having attended the function or performed the actual service.
    8. Lying to a University employee about assignments or attendance.
    9. Making unauthorized use of University letterhead.
    10. Forging a signature for academic purposes.
    11. Attempting to change an assigned grade or other information on any official University document, data source or electronic item.
  4. Aiding and abetting academic dishonesty: Intentionally helping or attempting to help another student commit an act of academic dishonesty. Such misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:
    1. Allowing another student to copy one’s work and to submit the work as his or her own.
    2. Stealing an exam or quiz from an instructor or copying a test or quiz and/or sharing it with other students.
    3. Sharing test questions with another student who has not taken the test.
    4. Giving answers to online quizzes and tests.
    5. Sharing test results in a non-proctored test environment in which an honor code is imposed.
    6. Failing to challenge dishonest conduct witnessed in other students.
  5. Conduct unbecoming a professional while participating in a practicum, internship, field experience, or any similar academic experience. Such academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:
    1. Identifying oneself as a Harding student in off-campus locations for unauthorized academic, professional or personal gain (for example, using a student nursing ID badge to gain access to a hospital area for non-educational purposes).
    2. Violating the legally protected privacy of employees or patients in learning environments.
    3. Disregarding policies of work environments in which learning occurs.
    4. Acting in a manner that violates course policies or policies of the academic division.
  6. Theft, abuse, hoarding or concealment of academic property. Academic property includes, but is not limited to, the following:
    1. Library resources and materials
    2. Laboratory equipment and supplies
    3. Departmental or class resources
    4. Tests and quizzes

   Students should refer to their specific program student handbook for additional information on this subject.

V. Sanctions for Academic Misconduct

One or more of the following consequences shall result when academic misconduct has been determined:

Class A Sanctions (Course Level)

  1. Repeating of the assignment or completion of an additional assignment, with possibly less credit awarded in either case.
  2. Lowering of the grade on the test or assignment, possibly to “F” or zero.
  3. Lowering of the grade for the course, possibly to “F.”
  4. Immediate removal from the course with either a “W” or an “F” placed on the transcript.

Class B Sanctions
(Program Level)

  1. Placement on disciplinary academic probation.
  2. Suspension or expulsion from a specific degree program.

Class C Sanctions
(University Level)

  1. Placement on disciplinary academic probation.
  2. Suspension from the University for a designated time.
  3. Permanent expulsion from the University.

Additionally, one or more of the following consequences may result when academic misconduct has been determined in an academic support area:

  1. Loss of privileges in the academic support area.
  2. Monetary charges to cover all costs (repair, recovery, replacement, etc.) associated with the misconduct.

VI. Resolution of Academic Misconduct

The Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs (AVPAA) and dean or program chair shall be available to the faculty or staff member as consultants during the resolution process.

Investigation of Academic Misconduct

Incidents of alleged academic misconduct shall be resolved according to the following process:

  1. Following discovery of the suspected academic misconduct, within five business days the faculty or staff member shall meet with the student to discuss the allegation. (In extenuating circumstances, this contact may be by phone or email.) If new information is revealed at this meeting or if the student needs time to bring mitigating evidence, a second meeting should be scheduled within two business days. Faculty should consult their chair, dean or the AVPAA if they need help in determining an appropriate sanction.
  2. If the decision is to impose Class A sanctions, within two business days the faculty or staff member must: (a) inform the student in writing of the decision, (b) file an Academic Misconduct Report to the AVPAA, and (c) implement the sanction. If the Office of Academic Affairs finds that the student has a prior incident of academic misconduct, further sanctions may be imposed within 6 business days.
  3. If the decision is that the misconduct has earned a sanction beyond Class A:
    1. Within two business days, the faculty member and the immediate supervisor (program chair or dean of the academic division or appropriate staff person) must file an Academic Misconduct Report to the Office of Academic Affairs.
    2. Within two business days of receipt of the letter, the faculty member, supervisor, AVPAA and VPAA must meet to jointly determine sanctions.
    3. Within two business days of this meeting, the faculty member shall provide, in writing, a letter that includes specific charges, VPAA authorized sanctions, and notification of the right to appeal. A copy of this letter must be filed with the Office of Academic Affairs.
  4. The student shall have two business days from the formal notification by the faculty member to take one of two actions: (a) agree with the charges and any related sanctions that may be applied, or (b) file a request for an appeal with the Office of Academic Affairs (see Appeal Process below). This appeal must be filed in writing within two business days of receipt of the faculty letter or the student forfeits the right to appeal. An appeal form (available from the Office of Academic Affairs) must be completed and submitted.

Appeal Process

The following statements apply to the appeal procedure:

  1. After formal notification of disciplinary actions, a student shall have two business days to file a request for an appeal with the Office of Academic Affairs or forfeit that right. (See item 5 above.)
  2. The appeal must be filed on the appeal form available from the Office of Academic Affairs.
  3. A student who fails to appear within 15 minutes of the arranged time for the appeal meeting shall forfeit the right to appeal.
  4. An appeal shall be scheduled before the Academic Misconduct Committee no sooner than the day following the receipt of request and no later than five business days of receipt of the request. (An exception may be made for extenuating circumstances. For example, the student may be out of state or out of the country, necessitating that the hearing be conducted upon his or her return.)
  5. A quorum must be present for the meeting. A quorum shall consist of a majority of committee members. (For a description of the Academic Misconduct Committee, refer to Section VII.)
  6. A document outlining the required order of the meeting is available from the Office of Academic Affairs and must be used during the meeting.
  7. The appeal shall be conducted in a fair and reasonable manner.
  8. All witnesses shall be required to affirm the truth of their testimony.
  9. Presentation of evidence shall be as follows:
    1. Support for the charge and sanction against the student.
    2. Support of the appeal by the student.
    3. Rebuttals by both parties.
    4. Both parties shall have reasonable opportunity for questioning of witnesses.
    5. If there is new information relevant to the situation under discussion, the decision, or the sanction, it shall be submitted for consideration before the closing statements by either party.
  10. Closing statements shall be made by both parties. New information shall not be submitted during this part of the proceedings.
  11. The appeal shall be open to the appealing student, the involved faculty member(s), and eyewitnesses with relevance to the alleged misconduct. Only two eyewitnesses from each side may present their case, and neither legal counsel, guardian, spouse nor parents of the student shall be permitted to appear before this committee. The Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs or Dean of Graduate Programs shall attend the appeal as an involved administrator but shall not have a vote in the decision-making process of the committee.
  12. An audio recording of the appeal proceeding shall be made.
  13. Following the appeal hearing, the Academic Misconduct Appeals Committee, by a majority vote, shall determine whether or not the case has been supported. The committee shall inform the student, the faculty member, and the faculty member’s supervisor of its decision. This decision shall be final. Verbal notification must be followed by written notification within one business day of the hearing.
  14. The Vice President for Academic Affairs or the committee may set the terms and conditions of a suspension from the University and readmission.
  15. All written documents and audio files related to this hearing must be filed as a complete package with the Office of Academic Affairs within two business days of the hearing.
  16. A student who has been suspended may not be on campus unless specific permission is granted by the Vice President for Academic Affairs or a Student Life dean. If campus housing is used by the disciplined student, the residence life coordinator must be notified of the decision.

VII. Academic Misconduct Committee

The Academic Misconduct Committee (AMC) shall be a standing University committee chaired by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The AMC shall consist of the Vice President for Student Life, one faculty member per college nominated by the dean, one student per college nominated by the University Student Association or the Honors College, and the AVPAA as an ex-officio member.

The specific responsibilities of the AMC are to review the decision and sanction(s) imposed prior to the appeal to determine if (1) the investigation was conducted fairly and followed prescribed procedures, (2) the decision was based on sufficient evidence, (3) the sanction was appropriate for the violation, and (4) any new evidence that comes to light is sufficient to change the decision or sanction.

VIII. Official Records of Academic Misconduct

An Academic Misconduct Form shall be completed for each instance of academic misconduct.

The Office of Academic Affairs shall ensure maintenance of the official records related to academic misconduct.

IX. Note

As in the case of any policy and policy guidelines, Harding reserves the right to change them or to make appropriate revisions, additions, amendments or corrections. Faculty and students will be notified of any substantial changes.

Academic Grievance Procedure

This section covers undergraduate students only. Procedures for graduate students may be found in the Harding University Graduate and Professional Catalog.

The following procedures do not include matters of academic misconduct. These matters are covered in the previous section of this catalog.

If the student has reason to question the decision of a faculty member with regard to a final grade received in a course or unreasonable denial of academic progression, a procedure has been established to resolve the grievance. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The student must register his or her complaint in writing to the faculty member within seven days following the alleged incident. Within the writing, the student must set forth reasons and grounds for the grievance. Upon receipt of the complaint, the faculty member must meet with the student and strive to resolve the problem. 

    1. If a resolution cannot be reached within five days and the complaint concerns a course within the College of Arts and Humanities, the College of Communications, the College of Communication or the College of Sciences, then it is the student’s responsibility to register the complaint in writing with the department chairman. Upon receipt of the complaint, the department chairman must meet with the faculty member and the student and strive to resolve the problem. If a resolution cannot be reached within five days, then it is the student’s responsibility to initiate the grievance procedure set forth in paragraph 2 and following.
    2. If a resolution cannot be reached within five days and the complaint concerns a course within the College of Bible and Religion, College of Business Administration, College of Education or College of Nursing, then it is the student’s responsibility to initiate the grievance procedure set forth in paragraph 2 and following.
  2. If, after completion of the procedure set forth in paragraph 1 above, the student believes that the grievance has not been equitably resolved, then he or she may file an appeal in writing with the appropriate dean and set forth with-in the appeal the grounds and reasons of the appeal. The dean must immediately notify the involved faculty member of the appeal and, upon notification, the faculty member will have three days to respond in writing to the allegations.

    Within five days of receipt of the appeal, the involved dean must appoint an ad hoc Grievance Committee and notify the faculty member and the student of the date and time to appear before the committee for a formal hearing on the allegations and issues. The hearing must be held within 14 academic days of the receipt of the appeal. (“Academic days” are those days included within the fall and spring semesters and summer terms excluding Intersession.)

    The hearing must be conducted in a manner ensuring substantial fairness, and it will not be restricted by the rules of evidence common to court proceedings. All witnesses will be required to attest to a statement regarding the accuracy of the testimony to be given.

    Each party will have the right to be accompanied by one other person, but that person may not be the student’s parent, guardian or legal counsel. The hearing will be open only to the faculty member, the student and witnesses. Neither the student’s parents, guardian nor legal counsel will be permitted to appear before the Grievance Committee except as witnesses. Hearing proceedings (excluding the deliberations of the committee) will be tape-recorded. 

    Each party will make a brief opening statement. Evidence will then be presented by the faculty member in support of the grade assigned or the denial of academic progression. Then the student will be permitted to present evidence in support of the allegations. Thereafter, both sides will be permitted to present rebuttal evidence followed by closing statements. During the hearing the faculty member and the student will have reasonable opportunity for orderly questioning of the witnesses. Evidence may be presented in the form of witnesses or documents relevant to the issues to be determined by the committee.

    At the conclusion of the evidence, the hearing will be adjourned and the committee will have three days to reach a final decision. The decision must be submitted in writing by the committee chairperson to the faculty member, the student and the dean. The decision of the committee will be by majority vote.
  3. The decision of the Grievance Committee may be appealed by the faculty member or the student to the vice president for academic affairs within three days of its receipt. Upon receipt of the appeal, the vice president for academic affairs will order preparation of a transcript of the hearing before the Grievance Committee. That transcript, along with all documents submitted by both parties, will be reviewed by an ad hoc Appeals Committee. The committee will be composed of the vice president for academic affairs, who will serve as the chairman for the committee, and three persons he or she appoints. The responsibility of the Appeals Committee will be to review the record created before the Grievance Committee and to render a decision based on a review of the record. There will be no opportunity for presentation of additional evidence before the Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committee may take one of the following actions: 

    1. Affirm the decision made by the Grievance Committee, in which case the decision is final.
    2. Remand the decision of the Grievance Committee for additional evidence, reconsideration and redetermination. The redetermined decision of the Grievance Committee is subject to further appeal to the vice president for academic affairs.
    3. Reverse the decision of the Grievance Committee and render their own decision, in which case their decision will be final.

Upon final decision of the Appeals Committee, the student will have exhausted his or her right of appeal within the University.

As in the case of any policy and policy guidelines, Harding reserves the right to change them or to make appropriate revision, additions, amendments or corrections. Faculty and students will be notified of any substantial changes.

Academic Grievance Procedure