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  Feb 05, 2025
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog 
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2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Cannon-Clary College of Education



Dean: Lewis “Tony” Finley, Ed.D.


Lewis “Tony” Finley, Ed.D.
     Assistant Vice President for Adult and Extended Education
     Director of Center for Math and Science Education
Raymond “Donny” Lee, Ed.D.
     Associate Dean
Gordon Sutherlin, Ed.D.

Associate Professors:

Bruce Bryant, Ed.D.
Clara Carroll, Ed.D.
     Assistant Dean and Chair of Graduate Studies in Education
Carol Douglass, Ed.D.
Wendy Ellis, Ed.D.
     Director of Reading
Steve Warren, Ed.D.
Michael B. Wood, Ed.D.

Assistant Professors:

Amy Adair, M.Ed.
     Director of Professional Field Experiences
Patrick A. Bashaw, M.Ed.
     Director of Adult and Extended Education
Lauren Boone, M.A.
Lisa Bryant, M.S.E.
Susan Grogan, Ed.S.
Allen Henderson, M.Ed.
     Assistant Director of Center for Math and Science Education
Penny McGlawn, Ed.D.
     Director of Professional Field Experiences and Middle Level Programs
Christine Pruitt, M.Ed.
     Director of Advance Program
David Skelton, Ed.S.
     Director of Professional Center, Bentonville, Ark.
Cheri Smith, Ed.D.
     Chair of Teacher Education and Director of Special Education
Ken Stamatis, M.Ed.
Patti Jo White, Ed.D.
     Director of Professional Center, North Little Rock, Ark.

Assisting from Other Departments:

Cindy Carrell, D.M.A.
Kathy Dillion, Ph.D.
Denise Fisher, Ph.D.
Shawn Fisher, M.Ed.
Julie Harris, Ph.D.
John Keller, Ph.D.
Robin Miller, M.F.A.
Jessica Moore, D.A.
Dean Priest, Ph.D.
Mike Pruitt, Ed.D
Keith Schramm, Ph.D.
Susan Shirel, M.A.
Cheri Yecke, Ph.D.

The mission of the College of Education is to equip and sustain reflective, lifelong learners who are competent, confident, compassionate and courageous professionals, who, in turn, will inspire and enable those they serve.

The Cannon-Clary College of Education strives to develop principled professionals who possess the knowledge, skills and disposition to:

  1. Integrate their faith, learning and living to serve their communities as models and mentors for moral and ethical leadership.
  2. Respect and recognize variance in those they serve and have knowledge and skills to accommodate those variances.
  3. Develop critical thinking skills within those they serve so they can make responsible choices about their learning and behavior.
  4. Challenge themselves to grow professionally through rigorous study, reading, reflection and research.
  5. Possess superior knowledge of the discipline(s) they teach or practice as well as a general knowledge of all disciplines.
  6. Seek to establish collegial relationships for meaningful collaboration.
  7. Effectively use and apply emerging technologies in changing environments.
  8. Possess skills which enable them to effectively serve in a variety of settings.

Program Overview

Administration: The dean of the College of Education is the chief administrator and certification officer of the College of Education. The Administrative Council for Teacher Education (ACTE), comprising both faculty and students, formulates policies and coordinates aspects of the Teacher Education Program and is chaired by the dean of the College of Education. The Committee on Admission and Retention to Teacher Education (CARTE) recommends criteria in this area, applies the policies adopted by ACTE, and is directed by the chair of Teacher Education.

Undergraduate: The Cannon-Clary College of Education offers programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts in early childhood and middle level education. In cooperation with other content areas the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Music Education degrees leading to licensure are also offered.

Teaching areas are available in early childhood education, middle-childhood/early adolescence education and secondary areas of licensure. A program of study leading to a special education endorsement may be added to any level. A student may add an early childhood special education endorsement (ages 0-8) or a middle/secondary special education endorsement (grades 4-12). Content areas include licensure in art , life science/earth science , physical science/earth science , English/language arts , French , health and kinesiology,  mathematics,  music education-instrumental,  music education-vocal , social science , Spanish,  drama/speech , and family and consumer sciences.  Students may add endorsements to each level by meeting Arkansas licensure requirements in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL), special education, or coaching.

Arkansas Teacher Licensure: Students completing the Teacher Education Program (which includes, but is not limited to successfully meeting competencies for novice teachers, field experiences, student teaching, Arkansas cut-scores on appropriate Praxis assessments, and degree conferred) in early childhood education, middle childhood/early adolescence education or secondary education will be recommended for initial Arkansas Licensure for one to three years. During this induction time the teacher will be mentored by in-school mentors and evaluated by an ETS Praxis III assessor. Upon successful completion of an evaluation, the candidate will be eligible for a standard five-year Arkansas teaching license in their field. These candidates must take MATH 151  and EDFD 203  in the General Education Program.

Accreditation: The Teacher Education Program is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). In addition, programs leading to licensure are approved by NCATE and the Arkansas Department of Education.

Admission to the Teacher Education Program

All students seeking licensure must apply for and be admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Criteria for admission to and retention in the Teacher Education Program include emotional stability; ability to communicate effectively through speaking and writing; personal, social, moral, and ethical fitness; general intellectual ability; and preteaching field experiences.

To be admitted to the Teacher Education Program, a student must:

  1. Be enrolled at Harding University.
  2. File a formal application for admission into the program with the chair of Teacher Education. Transfer students who plan to teach should make application for admission to the Teacher Education Program if they have completed 45 semester hours of required work. Admission to the Teacher Education Program is a prerequisite for admission to all required professional education courses except EDFD 202 , EDFD 203 , EDFD 310  , EDFD 311 , EDFD 315  and SPED 303 .
    The following deadlines apply to applications for the Teacher Education Program:
    • Fall semester: August 1*
    • Spring semester: November 1
    • Summer semester: April 1
      *Students planning to enroll for the first time in education courses (except EDFD 202 , EDFD 203 , EDFD 310  , EDFD 311 , EDFD 315  and SPED 303 ) for the fall semester should apply for admission to the Teacher Education Program in Thornton Education Center 130 during the previous spring semester.
  3. Submit a curriculum plan showing a program of study approved by the academic adviser to the chair of Teacher Education in the student’s field in Thornton Education Center 130.
  4. Have at least a 2.5 GPA at the time of admission and complete the Praxis I with scores at or above the following: Reading, 172; Writing, 173; Mathematics, 171.
  5. Demonstrate proficiency in English by completing ENG 113  and ENG 211  with a minimum grade of “C.”
  6. Demonstrate proficiency in oral communication by completing COMO 101  with a minimum grade of “C.”
  7. Demonstrate proficiency in mathematics by completing MATH 151  with a minimum grade of “C.” MATH 200  will not meet this requirement.
  8. Complete EDFD 202  and EDFD 203  with a minimum grade of “C.”
  9. Be free of mental or physical conditions inimical to effective teaching.
  10. Meet acceptable standards of adjustment in the areas of personal, social, moral and ethical behavior. Letters of recommendation from University personnel are used, and special interviews may be required to make evaluations in these areas. In addition, information obtained from the instructors of EDFD 202 , the dean of students, and the University faculty will be used.
  11. Have a recommendation form completed by the chair or the chair’s designee of the student’s appropriate major academic area and two faculty members from whom courses have been or are being taken.

ACTE may impose further standards not specified in this catalog or change present standards as the need arises in order to conform to the standards of NCATE and the regulations of the Arkansas Department of Education for teacher licensure. Such changes become a part of the Teacher Education Program requirements at the time specified by the council or Arkansas Department of Education (ADE).

To be Retained in the Teacher Education Program

Continuation in the Teacher Education Program is predicated upon maintaining the requirements for initial admission to the program. Failure to maintain these requirements will result in probation or suspension from the Teacher Education Program.

At the end of each semester, the names of students applying for admission into the teacher education program and the names of those already admitted will be sent to the dean of students requesting that the office note those, if any, whose behaviors required administrative action. In addition, the chair of Teacher Education will monitor students’ overall GPA and GPA in their majors to ensure continued compliance with a minimum GPA of 2.5 in each.

If a student’s end-of-the-semester GPA falls below the required 2.5, the student will be dropped from the program and must reapply for admission.

If there is an indication of inappropriate behavior, questionable personal characteristic or concern, the CARTE committee will determine what action, if any, should be taken. Choice of actions may include one of the following:

  1. Monitor specific behaviors or accomplishments.
  2. Arrange an interview with a committee composed of representatives from CARTE, one student, one faculty member from the student’s academic major, and one faculty member from the College of Education.
  3. Place student on probation with specific expected behavior, course of study, minimum GPA required, or other action to be completed in order to continue in teacher education.
  4. Drop student from the teacher education program. This would also result in the student being unable to complete the student teaching semester.

Teacher Education Appeals Process

  1. The Admission and Retention Committee will notify in writing the decision regarding a student’s admission, terms of probation for admission, or suspension from the Teacher Education Program or the student teaching semester.
  2. Notice of probation or suspension may be appealed in writing within 24 hours to the chair of the Administrative Council for Teacher Education, or the student forfeits that right. Also, a student who fails to appear within 15 minutes of the arranged time and place of the appeals meeting will forfeit the right of appeal.
  3. The chair of the Administrative Council for Teacher Education shall schedule a time and place for the appeals meeting with the student and members of the committee. The appeals meeting should take place as soon as possible, but not sooner than 24 hours after the appeal is made. A quorum shall consist of one-half plus one of the members of the committee. In every way, the appeal shall be conducted in a fair, orderly and reasonable manner.
  4. The chair of the Administrative Council for Teacher Education shall conduct the meeting and shall vote only in case of ties.
  5. A student who appeals shall be required to affirm the truth of his or her testimony.
  6. A student is permitted a maximum of two witnesses. Witnesses shall be required to affirm the truth of their testimony. The committee may also call two witnesses.
  7. The appeal shall be recorded. Students and witnesses will affirm that they understand that the session will be recorded.
  8. Both parties shall have reasonable opportunity for questioning of witnesses.
  9. Presentation of the appeal shall be as follows:
    1. The nature of the probation or suspension will be presented by the chair of the Admission and Retention Committee.
    2. The student states his or her reasons for making the appeal.
    3. Both student and chair may be questioned by the committee.
    4. After all questions have been asked, both student and chair will give brief closing remarks.
  10. The meeting will be open to the appealing party, witnesses with relevant information to present, and members of the Administrative Council for Teacher Education. Neither legal counsel, guardian, nor parents of the student making the appeal shall be permitted to appear before this committee.
  11. Following the appeal, the Administrative Council for Teacher Education will meet in closed session. The committee will inform the student of its decision in writing. This decision shall be final.

Admission to the Supervised Teaching Semester

Admission to the Teacher Education Program does not guarantee retention.

At least one semester before the supervised teaching semester, request for admission to supervised teaching must be made by filing the required application forms with the chair of teacher education. The following deadlines apply: For supervised teaching during a fall semester, applications must be submitted by March 1. For supervised teaching during a spring semester, applications must be submitted by October 1. If the student does not student teach the semester of application, the student must reapply for student teaching.

Applicants for the supervised teaching semester in Early Childhood Education must complete BIOL 408 ; CSD 314; ECED 314 , ECED 317 , ECED 409 , ECED 410 , ECED 411 , ECED 420 ; EDFD 200 , EDFD 202 , EDFD 203 , EDFD 310 , EDFD 311 , EDFD 315 ; GEOG 302  OR GEOG 303 ; MATH 240 , MATH 298 ; RDNG 350 , RDNG 412 , RDNG 413 ; SPED 303  and SPED 414  prior to the supervised teaching semester.

Applicants for the supervised teaching semester in Middle Level Education must complete BIOL 408 ; EDFD 200 , EDFD 202 , EDFD 203 , EDFD 311 ; GEOG 302  OR GEOG 303 ; HED 203 ; HIST 336 ; MATH 240 , MATH 298; MLED 314 , MLED 416 ; RDNG 412 , RDNG 413 ; and SPED 303  prior to the supervised student teaching semester.

Middle Level Education majors in integrated mathematics/science and English/language arts/social science must also have completed all content courses. (See Middle Level Curriculum menus.)

Applicants for the supervised teaching semester in Secondary Education, except for family and consumer sciences majors, must complete EDFD 200 , EDFD 202 , EDFD 203 , EDFD 311 ; SEED 314 ; and one course from  SEED 419 , SEED 420 , SEED 423 , SEED 424 , SEED 425 , SEED 426 , SEED 427 , SEED 428 , SEED 429  or SEED 430 . (Special methods courses are offered only once a year.) Students in family and consumer sciences must complete EDFD 200 , EDFD 202 , EDFD 311 ; SEED 314 , SEED 424 ; and FCS 322  or FCS 323 . Students must also complete their content major and the minimum Arkansas licensure requirements in the subject-matter area in which supervised teaching is to be done.

To be admitted to and to complete the supervised teaching semester, students must:

  1. Be admitted to the Teacher Education Program.
  2. File a formal application for admission in the Teacher Education Office, Thornton Education Center 130, before the listed deadlines.
  3. Have approval of the adviser in their major.
  4. File in the office of the chair of undergraduate teacher education a curriculum plan showing a program of study which has the approval of both their major and professional advisors.
  5. Complete “Conditions of Supervision for the Prestudent Teaching/Student Teaching Semesters Statement of Understanding” form.
  6. Complete all catalogued prerequisites to the supervised teaching semester.
  7. Complete Arkansas licensure and College of Education requirements in their academic major. Family and consumer sciences majors must have 32 hours of the family and consumer sciences requirements completed.
  8. Have at least a 2.5 GPA.
  9. Have at least a 2.5 GPA in the major and additional licensure area. For the early childhood (P-4), middle childhood/early adolescence (4-8) and secondary education (P-12 or 7-12) majors, have at least a 2.5 GPA in the professional, content and specialization courses required for the major.
  10. Have a minimum grade of “C” in each required professional education course, including all field experiences.
  11. File a request for degree with the registrar.
  12. It is highly recommended that PRAXIS II exams be taken before student teaching.*

*PLT after completing EDFD 311 ; specialty area exams of content coursework should be completed prior to student teaching in that area.

Supervised Teaching Semester

During the supervised teaching semester, early childhood education majors must enroll in SPED 419  and ECED 441 . Middle level education majors must enroll in MLED 442  and SPED 419 . Special education (mildly disabled) endorsements will require enrollment in SPED 419  and SPED 481 . Secondary education majors must enroll in SEED 417 , SEED 451  or SEED 461 , SEED 480 ; and SPED 418 . Special Methods for Secondary Teachers, SEED 419 , SEED 420 , SEED 423 SEED 424 , SEED 425 , SEED 426 , SEED 427 , SEED 428 , SEED 429 , SEED 430 , must be taken prior to or concurrent with the supervised teaching semester. These are only offered once during a calendar year. Courses required in the supervised teaching semester must be taken in residence at Harding unless otherwise approved by the dean of the College of Education. Candidate must make a “C” or better in the above professional education courses and field experiences courses.

The maximum credit that can be earned during the supervised teaching semester is 16 hours.

Licensure Examinations

All candidates in the Teacher Education Program must take the Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching and the appropriate Specialty Area Tests. English, Life/Earth Science, Math, Physical/Earth Science and Spanish are NOT required to take the Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching due to the fact that these areas require a Pedagogy exam. By action of the Arkansas General Assembly, appropriate Praxis I scores and Praxis II scores must be submitted to the Arkansas Department of Education in each area for which licensure is sought. The Arkansas Department of Education has set minimum scores that must be achieved on the various sections of the Praxis I and Praxis II in order for candidates to obtain licensure in Arkansas. Individual students’ score reports must be on file in the Office of Institutional Testing. Praxis III assessment will be after the first year of employment in a teaching position. French and Spanish licensure candidates must take the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI).

NOTE: The Liberal Art requirements are adjusted as follows for students in the College of Education who are seeking licensure:

  • EDFD 203  rather than PSY 201 .
  • Students seeking licensure at the secondary level must take POLS 205 , and it is highly recommended that they take GEOG 302  or GEOG 303 .
  • Early childhood and middle childhood majors must take GEOG 302  or GEOG 303 .
  • Students seeking teacher licensure must take BIOL 111  or BIOL 113 .
  • Students seeking teacher licensure must take MATH 151  or its equivalent. (MATH 200  is not an equivalent.)



Education Certifications

Early Childhood Education Department


Bachelor of Arts


Middle Childhood/Early Adolescence Department


Bachelor of Arts

Secondary Education Department